
Lie Sang Bong 09 ss

Using geometrics as an inspiration point is not anything new but as Korean designer Lie Sang Bong showed, those shapes we were made to learn and draw at primary school can be elevated using strategic and clever techniques. His S/S 09 show entitled "Digital Cube" began in straight forward dresses that were printed with simple triangular patterns in a rainbow palette. This then became a full on assault on the three basic 3-D forms; cubes, pyramids and cylinders started to piece together under different structures. Giant circular fabric swatches swayed on dresses. Triangles pieced together in full length strapless dresses created a billowing movement in the fabric as if the shapes were alive. This was the same for the squares of fabric flapping around on minidresses. Even the tailored suits and outerwear were geometric puzzles with the use of complex two-tone panelling. Shapes weren't the only thing on Bong's mind as he also enlisted the help of DTP Link Solution to produce his gradient-based digital printing on the garments and keeping the colours simple, never really veering from blue only further enhanced the shapes he was trying to create. The finale was a dramatic trailing dress of triangular stiff black madness and as pyramids jutted in and out, it finished off Bong's explorative journey of 3-D shapes.
