Last Friday saw the much anticipated launch of Dr NOKI’s NHS new collection, which is now on sale in a brand new store called 123, situated at err... 123 Bethnal Green Road. This new store will officially open the early part of next year with four exciting floors filled with a mix of labels but for now it’s all about NOKI. With his very own floor you will see this the reclaimed clothing reconstructor as you have never seen him before. The listed building boasts high ceilings and white walls that suits Dr NOKI's NHS aesthetic. Clothes are all displayed on hospital screens that double up as changing pods and although each NOKI creation is a unique art piece, there are also clear groups of styles / silhouettes.
Short sleeve, round neck tees come in many prints and colourways. Mickey mouse heads and a reinterpretation of the iconic I love NY print – subverted into I love DR NOKI NHS - adorn jumpers, playsuits. Tight body con dresses with tracksuit arms, plaid shirts sliced and morphed with heavily printed tees created oversized tops. Dresses were pushed by intriguing pointed shoulders consructed from the collar of the shirts. Tracksuit jackets are heavily embroidered by nurse King and knitwear created with NOKI DNA yarn by nurse Tranzsformer. The collection is made more complete by the injection of accessories; fabric shoes, bags, oyster wallets with metallic DR NOKI embossing and old cowboy boots transformed into low ankle boots with cutaways and belts.
“It’s exciting to eventually see the multiple NOKI ONE-OFF. Thanks to everyone in the hospital for their support and love. Enjoy NOKI. Operation go go girrrrrllllll” declares Dr NOKI. This is just the start of new things to come from NOKI and here's hoping 2010 will bring more sustainable inspiration from this section of the NHS.
by Dazed Digital